Friday, August 31, 2007

New York City Provides...

I will return to this theme a lot over the coming life of this blog.

I have joked that there is no reason to buy a television, a vacuum cleaner or a microwave in New York City, you can find one on the sidewalk at any given time. But almost anything you are looking for tends to show up once you have decided to look for it. Someone mentioned she needed some keyboards and I start finding them. I got a design idea for reusing old chairs and I start finding them. This happens over and over again. I am tempted to attribute this to something mystical, like the power of intention.

I also sometimes view the City as a huge organism which cares for its individual cells like me by delivering to me what I need to grow. Is the moving of waste through the city like the moving of blood through the body?

In my more lucid moments, I suspect that maybe there is just SO MUCH waste that one mind cannot comprehend it all. You can see what you are looking for but all the rest blends together into an amorphous pile. Maybe its like finding constellations in the night sky. With so many stars, any number of constellations are possible. You haven't seen Steego the Armadillo yet? He's up there, your just have to look for him.

Well, its obvious where I go from here... I am visualizing bundles of twenty dollar bills...

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